Environmental watchdog, EMA upscale vehicle emission monitoring.

Chinhoyi- At least over 2000 vehicles have been examined for vehicle emission compliance in
Mashonaland West Province as the Environmental Management Agency fight air pollution.

At least 47 motorists were fined after their vehicles were found to be contributing to air pollution.

The agency in partnership with Zimbabwe Republic Police carried out spot check roadblocks around
Mashonaland West during a blitz that started on 2 February 2023.

Vehicular emissions is a major contributor of air pollution worldwide that has contributed to climate
change and contributing about at least 22% premature deaths due to respiratory and cardiovascular
diseases around the world.

The vehicle monitoring saw vehicles being tested for exhaust emissions to check for compliance on
exhaust emission in accordance with Statutory 72 of 2009 on Atmospheric Control and Regulations.

Rwambai Mapako, Provincial Manager for the Environment Management Agency Mashonaland West
said the fight against air pollution needs a united front from all stakeholders.

During an interview during a media engagement on the sidelines of a monitoring road block, Mapako
said environmental sustainability is needed to create a positive environment society.

” As an Agency and as Mash West in particular, we need to ensure we play our part in the pollution
abatement and making a contribution towards attainments of a clean, safe and a healthy environment
in line with the national development agenda for a clean society and green/ sustainable development.”
he said

Mapako said unserviced vehicles and fueling at illegal fuel sources are some of the factors that result in
vehicles emitting more carbon dioxide in the environment.

“As EMA we passionately appeal to vehicle owner/operators to continuously ensure that their vehicles
are serviced regularly and desist from refueling at illegal fuel dealers as the fuel quality may have been
tempered with.” He urged

“Vehicle emissions are known worldwide to be the cause of about 22% of atmospheric pollution which
prematurely kills about 7mln people annually across the globe due to respiratory and cardiovascular
Major pollutants of concern include Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and methane. These are known
to be greatest contributors of global warming challenge.”

Mapako said the ongoing exercise will help redress the high level of air pollution coming from vehicles
and said at least 47 vehicle owners were fined for vehicles not complying with regulations

” A total of 47 tickets and 5 environmental protection orders have been issued to motorists who own or
were operating vehicles in such a manner as to cause air pollution” he said

Various stakeholders hailed the move and urged Environmental Management Agency to regularly take
the exercise to industrial factories to check on how much air pollution they are contributing.

Article by :Elvis Dumba

Water For Life Foundation

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