Half a million dollars medical pledge from Japan for Surgical Obsteric Anaesthesia in Zimbabwe.

Matebeleland North- The government of Japan has committed US$633 975 to strengthen access to
safe, timely and affordable Surgical Obsteric Anaesthesia care services in the country

The project will be implemented by the Ministry of Health and Child Care (MoHCC) in partnership with
the World Health Organization (WHO) will implement the program in Matebeleland North and Manicaland

The partnership will also see in the capacitation of critical specialist health staff providing SOA services
in Zimbabwe, it will provide essential equipment at selected health facilities on the two provinces and
will strengthen the national Health Management Information Systems (HMIS) to allow effective project

It is expected that, by the end of 2023, A significant number of patients who have not been able to
afford surgical care services are expected to benefit from the partnership by end of the year of 2023

The Ambassador of Japan to Zimbabwe, H.E Mr. Satoshi Tanaka, said Zimbabwe’s economical
development and goals towards a middle-upper income economy can only be realized if its people are
healthy and have affordable access to health services

Image Credit: Elvis Dumba

“Japan will support Zimbabwe’s efforts to fulfill a Universal Health Coverage through access to safe and
timely, affordable Surgical Obsteric Anaesthesia care where there is a huge critical need” he said

Lack of surgical equipment, shortage of medicines, consumables, and sundries essential for SOA care
services are some of the challenges that has resulted in the country to see a decline in essential surgical
procedures being done in hospitals across the country and resulting in long waiting lists.

SOA care system is currently being strengthened in the country as set out in the first ever National
Surgical, Obstetric and Anaesthesia Strategy (NSOAS: 2022 – 2025),l launched in September 2022 by the
health ministry.

Ministry of Health and Child Care Secretary Dr Jasper Chimedza, emphasized his ministry’s commitment
to ensuring that every person in need of SOA services receive quality and timely care at all levels of the health care systems

Article by Elvis Dumba

Water For Life Foundation

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